Surrounded by tranquility, and brimming with memories, your cottage holds a special place in your heart. However, there comes a time when you contemplate parting ways with this beloved retreat. Whether it's due to financial reasons, a desire for change, or simply because you're ready to pass the torch to someone else, the question arises: should you sell your cottage on your own or enlist the help of a realtor?

Let's delve into the pros and cons of each approach to help you make an informed decision:

For Sale By Owner (DIY):


  1. Cost Savings: Perhaps the most appealing aspect of selling your cottage on your own is the potential to save on realtor commissions, which typically range from 4-5% of the sale price. By cutting out the middleman, you stand to pocket more of the proceeds from the sale.

  2. Control: Selling your cottage independently gives you full control over the process, from setting the listing price to negotiating with potential buyers. You can showcase your property in a way that aligns with your vision and preferences.

  3. Personal Touch: As the owner, you possess an intimate knowledge of your cottage, enabling you to highlight its unique features and charm to prospective buyers. Your passion and personal connection to the property can resonate with potential buyers and enhance their interest.


  1. Limited Exposure: Without the reach and resources of a real estate agent, your cottage may not receive as much visibility in the market. This could result in a longer time on the market and potentially fewer offers and usually a lower sale price.

  2. Lack of Expertise: Real estate transactions involve complex legal and financial aspects that may be unfamiliar to an amateur seller. Without professional guidance, you risk making costly mistakes or overlooking important details.

  3. Time and Effort: Selling a property requires considerable time and effort, from preparing the listing and staging the cottage to hosting viewings and negotiating offers. Handling these tasks solo can be overwhelming, particularly if you have other commitments.

Selling with a Realtor:


  1. Market Expertise: Realtors possess in-depth knowledge of the local real estate market, including current trends, pricing dynamics, and buyer preferences. Leveraging their expertise can help you accurately price your cottage and attract qualified buyers. Bottom line: Your cottage will sell quicker and for a much better price vs DIY.

  2. Professional Network: Realtors have access to an extensive network of potential buyers, fellow agents, and industry professionals. This network can significantly expand the reach of your listing and increase the likelihood of finding the right buyer.

  3. Streamlined Process: With a realtor managing the sale, you can offload the time-consuming tasks and logistical challenges associated with selling a property. From marketing your cottage to handling paperwork and negotiations, they streamline the process and alleviate stress.


  1. Commission Fees: The primary drawback of selling with a realtor is the commission fees, which can eat into your proceeds from the sale. However, many sellers view this as a worthwhile investment considering the expertise and support provided by the realtor.

  2. Less Control: While a realtor brings valuable expertise to the table, you may have less control over certain aspects of the sale, such as marketing strategies and negotiation tactics. It's essential to find a realtor who values your input and keeps you informed throughout the process.

  3. Potential for Misalignment: In some cases, sellers may encounter misalignment with their chosen realtor regarding pricing, marketing strategies, or other key decisions. Clear communication and a shared vision are crucial for ensuring a harmonious partnership.

In conclusion, whether to sell your cottage on your own or with a realtor depends on various factors, including your level of expertise, available time and resources, and personal preferences. While selling independently offers cost savings and control, it also entails greater responsibility and risk. On the other hand, partnering with a realtor can streamline the process and maximize exposure but comes with commission fees and potential trade-offs in control. Ultimately, the key is to weigh the pros and cons carefully and choose the approach that aligns best with your goals and circumstances. Whether you embark on the journey solo or enlist professional assistance, may the sale of your cottage mark the beginning of a new chapter filled with cherished memories and exciting possibilities.

Looking to chat further about selling? Please call Kristyn at 416.989.5851
Posted by Kristyn Kennedy on
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